
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - October 2013

Jinnat have a lot of knowledge about mysterious world and many mysterious practices are known to jinnat. We cannot even think about them. We cannot know them. This “Suboohun Qudoosun Wa Rabul Malaikateh Wer’rooh”

سُبُّوْحٌ قُدُّوْسٌ رَبَّنَا وَرَبُّ الْمَلَائِکَۃِ وَالرُّوْحِ  is an extremely strange recitation for knowing the condition of graves, opening of heart for mysterious knowledge, ending of non-treatable illnesses, relief from impossible problems, vastness of thought and control over various creations, witnessing of sea world and world of animals and for understanding of their languages. For knowing secrets of universe and for understanding of its various systems and to reach various secrets of strange universe of Allah (S.W.T), this meditation is a strange meditation and a very powerful one too. If somebody does a little effort, then it is a strange thing to have.

Anyone who does effort is rewarded: I often tell this to people going for holy pilgrimage of Hajj and Umrah because there are holy places over there and there is a lot of Nur (light) over there. The power of this meditation increases manifolds over there and people who go for a longer period of time, if they do this meditation in Heraman (holy mosque of Makkah and Madina) with effort and concentration, they will get its benefits many times over. If they do this with effort and concentration, Insha Allah (God willing) they will obtain elevated levels of spirituality. One can do this meditation at any place but its effects and results are more in holy places. People who cannot go there should not get disillusioned. Wherever they go they can do this and they will get 100% results. Not one or two but there are thousands of experiences, that whoever does this effort, he definitely gets reward and his effort is not wasted.

Unusual recitation, Unusual Ramazan: This year holy month of Ramazan was an unusual one, because, this year it was my duty to reach the occasion of finishing of Quran in the world of Jinnat as much as was possible because desire to read Quran is intense in Jinnat. In a household of Jinnat, Quran is completed 7 times in Ramazan in Taraweeh and optional prayers, I state here two such occasions.

Invitation of Jinnat of Lahore fort on the Occasion of Khatam-e-Quran: Itso happened that Jinnat of Lahore fort, who I call dwarf Jinnat because any Jin can come into a human’s height and therefore generally it is like being dwarf, came to me altogether and complaint that you have never given us time in Ramazan, it is 17th Ramazan and day of Badar and is khatam-e-Quran of 22 of our Huffaz (people who learn whole of Quran by heart) therefore, if you come and deliver a sermon and carry out pray, we would be definitely pleased. They reminded me of this request before Ramazan and in the first 10 days of Ramazan also, besides this there were many invitations from within the country and from abroad from Jinnat out of which I accepted some and excused for the rest, as I am extremely busy in Ramazan, myself, and cannot undertake more Jinnat journeys. As per promised, I reached Lahore fort on 17th of Ramazan for khatam-e-Quran. The ceremony was being carried out in Dewan-e-Khas of Royal Fort and many scholars and Huffaz etc. had come there from faraway places.

Meeting with Eight Tabeyi Jinnat: In these Jinnat there were Tabeyi Jinnat also, who had seen companions of Prophet (S.A.W). In this ceremony I met 8 such Jinnat and got a golden chance to spend some time with them. I got much from them and realized a fact that most of the fights which are happening on the basis of religion, cast, faith etc. are because of our lack of knowledge. We are suffering because of lack of knowledge. Since I have met Sahabi Jinnat (companion of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W) or Tabeyi Jinnat, I have touched new horizons of knowledge and comprehension, have identified many things in myself to be improved and have realized from the bottom of my heart that how important companionship is.

Solution of every problem given by Tabeyi Jin: One Tabeyi Jin, who came from a valley in Qatar, the name of which I forgot and to whom I was introduced to, by Jinnat as he did not know me before. Once introduced he was very affectionate, made me sit close by and at the end of ceremony I requested him to carry out the prayers as he was eldest to all the Jinnat and had been in companionship of many Sahaba-e-Karam (companions of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W), he said that it was pre-decided that some human would carry out the prayer and my spirituality tells me that you are capable for doing so. During conversation I got certain recitations and acts from him. One act was that any person who recites Kalma-e-Tayyaba (La ilaha illallaho Muhammad-ur-Rasoolullah) once in holy month of Ramazan, and when he reaches “Muhammad-ur-Rasoolullah” then he should recite it 10 lacs times. If cannot complete 10 lacs within the month of Ramazan then he can complete after Ramazan too.

1st Benefit: The strange benefits which he explained astonished me. The first benefit is that definitely this person will have the honour of seeing Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) whether within this Ramazan or during life time but definitely within his life time Insha Allah.

2nd Benefit: His heart will be filled with love of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) like ocean filled of waves.

3rd Benefit: He would be awarded to lead his life, as per Sunnah and with good deeds.

4th Benefit: On the Day of Judgment, Shifa’at (recommendation by Prophet Muhammad S.A.W for forgiveness by Allah S.W.T) by Prophet Muhammad S.A.W is ensured. He repeated this 3 times.

5th Benefit: On the Day of Judgment the name of this person will be announced and he will be called for, his actions would be judged with leniency and he said that so many blessings are of this recitation that this person would be forgiven without any question.

6th Benefit: The guardian angel of heaven Rizwan would receive him and he would be sent to heaven with other pious people who would have led their entire life as a slave (true follower) of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W and he would be rewarded with higher ranks in heaven.

7th Benefit: When this person would die, he would recite the Kalama and his face would remain towards his right side in his grave.

8th Benefit: When “Munkar Nakeer” (angels who come into the grave for questioning) will come and will question him in grave, Allah S.W.T will help him.

9th Benefit: Daily, angels come to his house to see him and kiss him.

10th Benefit: A person who recites it will have Nur (spiritual light) on his face, in his chest and body.

11th Benefit: With this recitation, one gets such Nur in this world that whomever this person looks at, his heart is also filled with Nur and one who recites it, is saved from sin and Allah S.W.T would give Nur in his words, eyes and to whomever he looks at, his heart is also filled with Nur.

12th Benefit: It is exceptionally effective for being saved from sins. Any person who wants to be a saint, wants to avoid sins, wishes for love of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, wants to avoid cruel sins and wants grace and Barakat in his life would be so rewarded that he will be astonished himself.

13th Benefit: His descendents would be blessed by Allah S.W.T and they would be saved from sins and would have Barakat, blessings and happiness in their lives.

14th Benefit: His descendents would not be crippled blind etc. and sin would not be transferred to them. Allah S.W.T would protect them.

15th Benefit: Satanic and Jinnati things would be scared of him rather would protect him, themselves, even snakes and scorpions would become obedient to him, however, it is very important that with this recitation, one should be extremely careful to avoid sins, lies and ‘Haram’ (prohibited means in religion) otherwise should not complain.

16th Benefit: Vicious animals of jungle remember him everyday and wish to see him. They want to be of service to him because he recites the second half of Kalma and say, that you recite the name of the personality whom we die to see and we ourselves recite Darood and Salam (send blessings) on him (Prophet Muhammad S.A.W).

17th Benefit: When this person walks, angels accompany him, protect him from harmful things and spread Nur around him.

18th Benefit: Pious saint Jinnat accompany him all the time and if some Jinnat reside nearby, they come everyday just to see him.

19th Benefit: Physical illnesses which are not treatable are fully cured. No matter how intense sickness he may be suffering from, whether it is magic, non treatable illness, he should start this recitation from the 1st day of holy month of Ramazan (fasting month) and Tabeyi Jin also said that anyone who cannot wait till the month of Ramazan, can also start this recitation after offering ‘2 Rakat Nafal’ (Salah) and reciting the “Kalma Tayyaba” once, and afterwards can start reciting “Muhammad-ur-Rasoolullah” then recite it 50 lac (5 million) times. One can recite it in any condition whether with ablution or not, clean (Pak) or not clean (Napak). Thus if started in Ramazan 10 lac times (1 million) and if started in any other besides Ramazan, 50 lac times (5 million) should be the count of this recitation.

Would see his place in heaven before dying:

Then this pious Jin, meaning, Tabeyi Jin said, filled with emotions that if someone starts this recitation in holy month of Ramazan and recites it 50 lac times (5 million times) then he would see his place in heaven before dying, would see Prophet Muhammad S.A.W at the time of death and would keep on seeing the vision of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W till the grave, till the Day of Judgment and till he enters heaven. Then he narrated stories of various Jinnat who did this recitation lacs of times and how good was their end and how many problems of their lives were resolved and how did they get alleviated place in this world and the eternal one ?

20th Benefit: Person who does not have children and has tried out every treatment from place to place, if recites this for one million or five million times, Allah willing he would definitely have a child whom would be blessed with long life and with good looks.

Strange Ism-e-Azam: The pious Tabeyi Jin was explaining this, filled with emotions and I was looking towards him in astonishment. It was like, flowers were falling from his mouth. I was flabbergasted, he was explaining its benefit continuously, there was faith and assurance in his eyes, in his accent and in his way, he explained that I got this recitation from a Sahabi (R.A) (companion of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.) and before this, there were certain shortcomings in my life. Why go faraway ? I myself have tried out this recitation and have seen and gain its benefits myself, this is not just an act but it is an extraordinary Ism-e-Azam (extremely effective recitation) and why should it not be an Ism-e-Azam ? This is ‘Kalma’ and the second part of ‘Kalma’.

Tabyei Jin astonished me: Actually, this pious Jin astonished me, I was hearing all his talk with the astonishment, I had a crowd of Jinnat with me and I alone was a human being and all of them were listening this with astonishment. I requested him to narrate some more benefits.

Tour of a strange World: What benefits should I narrate ? This is Kalma and the whole of universe is in it. Earth and skies are lost in it. This Kalma encompasses land and skies. He said that one who recites this, sees strange dreams and visits such worlds in his dreams which have not been mentioned till today in any book. He has spiritual journey of heavens, land, world of Jinnat, world of infinity and of such strange systems of this world and universe which have not been discovered by science neither are heard of.

I saw a strange world: Then he narrated his experience and said that once I saw a world in which there was neither humans nor Jinnat but there was a strange species who do not have any name, it was just a world of the worlds of Allah S.W.T and was a part of Allah’s universe. When I entered this world, I saw the people in this world that they only do farming, nobody trades and there are no sins, fraud, murder, lies etc. in this world, there are only good deeds and all the people of this world are the followers of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Why ? Because Prophet Muhammad S.A.W is mercy for all the worlds and this world is also a world of the worlds of this universe. This world is also a part of universe. I got a lot of secrets from here (To be continued)

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